Legend: R = invited Review/Colloquium; I = invited talk; C = contributed talk; P = poster
Over 100 presentations with a total of 63 invited Colloquia [R] and talks [I]:
07/2024 Sesto (ITA), "Galaxy Groups in the era of eROSITA and Euclid" conference [R].
08/2023 Trento (ITA), Department of Physics seminar [I].
07/2023 Modena (ITA), Department of Physics, Informatics & Mathematics seminar [I].
07/2023 Padova (ITA), Department of Physics & Astronomy seminar [I].
02/2023 Trieste (ITA), IFPU workshop "Dynamical Complexity in Astrophysical Contexts" [R].
07/2022 Athens (GRC), COSPAR Scientific Assembly [I+C].
06/2022 Sesto (ITA), "Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback II" workshop [R].
05/2022 Frascati (ITA), "Latest Advances in X-ray Spectroscopy and Polarimetry" workshop [I].
04/2022 Virtual, UNAM High-Energy Astrophysics seminar [I].
11/2021 Virtual, "HydroSim 2021" collaboration meeting.
11/2021 Virtual, IAU362 Symposium "Predictive Power of Computational Astrophysics" [C].
03/2021 Virtual, Geneva University Astrophysics Colloquium [R].
09/2020 Virtual, INAF/DIFA University of Bologna astrophysics seminar [I].
09/2020 Virtual, Tor Vergata University of Rome Astrophysics Colloquium [R].
06/2020 Virtual, "EAS 2020" conference [3xC].
12/2019 New York (NY, USA), CCA, "Universality: Turbulence Across Vast Scales" workshop [C].
09/2019 Trieste (ITA), "HydroSim 2019" meeting [C].
09/2019 Bologna (ITA), "X-ray Astronomy 2019" conference [P].
08/2019 Madrid (ESP), "5th CARS" collaboration meeting.
07/2019 Sesto (ITA), "Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies 2019" conference [C].
06/2019 Lyon (FRA), "EWASS 2019" symposium [2×R & C].
05/2019 Madrid (SPA), "Astrophysics of Hot Plasma" conference [C].
05/2019 Kansas City (MO, USA), UMKC Department of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium [R].
03/2019 Budapest (HUN), "ICM 2019: Theory and Computation" conference [I].
02/2019 College Park (MD, USA), UMD Department of Astronomy Colloquium [R].
02/2019 New York (NY, USA), Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) Colloquium [R].
02/2019 Storrs (CT, USA), UConn Department of Physics Colloquium [R].
01/2019 Huntsville (AL, USA), Department of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium [R].
01/2019 SISSA (TS, ITA), Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati seminar [I].
01/2019 INAF Trieste (ITA), Observatory seminar [I].
01/2019 Garching (GER), joint MPE+ESO+MPA main Colloquium [R].
09/2018 Trieste, INAF (ITA), "6th HydroSim" meeting [I].
09/2018 Naples (ITA), "Cluster-2", University of Napoli [C].
09/2018 Berlin (GER), "The role of feedback in galaxy formation" AIP conference [C].
08/2018 Heidelberg (GER), "4th CARS" collaboration meeting.
07/2018 Sesto (ITA), "Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback" workshop [R].
05/2018 Philadelphia (USA), MUSTANG-2 Penn science workshop [I].
04/2018 Liverpool (UK), "EWASS 2018" symposium [C & 2×P].
03/2018 Snowbird (UT, USA), SnowCluster 2018: "The Physics of Galaxy Clusters" conference [R].
02/2018 Raleigh (NC, USA), North Carolina State University Physics Department Colloquium [R].
01/2018 Gainesville (FL, USA), U. Florida Astronomy Department Colloquium [R].
01/2018 Sesto (ITA), "Preparing the science of galaxy clusters & WHIM with Athena" workshop [I].
12/2017 Princeton (NJ, USA), Postdoc PU symposium [C].
10/2017 Cambridge (MA, USA), "Einstein Fellows 2017" symposium [I].
09/2017 Princeton (NJ, USA), Bahcall Lunch [I].
07/2017 Santander (ESP), "Galaxy Clusters 2017" conference [C].
06/2017 Jekyll Island (GA, USA), "AGN Winds 2017" conference [C].
04/2017 Beijing (CHN), "Physics of the Intra-Cluster Medium 2017" conference [R].
02/2017 Turin (ITA), "Cluster I", University of Turin [C].
02/2017 Sesto (ITA), "The remarkable life of a BCG" conference [R].
02/2017 Princeton (NJ, USA), Dep. of Astrophysical Science Thunch seminar [I].
12/2016 Yale (CT, USA), Yale Astronomy Department Colloquium [R].
10/2016 Cambridge (MA, USA), "Einstein Fellows 2016" symposium [I].
09/2016 Trieste, INAF (ITA), "5th HydroSim" meeting [R].
07/2016 Athens (GRC), "EWASS 2016" symposium [I & C].
05/2016 Madrid (SPA), "XMM-Newton: the next decade" conference [C].
04/2016 Cambridge (MA, USA), MIT Kavli Institute Colloquium [R].
04/2016 Princeton (NJ, USA), Bahcall Lunch [I].
10/2015 Cambridge (MA, USA), "Einstein Fellows 2016" symposium [I].
09/2015 Chania (GRC), "Demographics and environment of AGN" conference [I].
09/2015 Honolulu (HI, USA), "XXIX IAU General Assembly" symposium [I & 2×C].
07/2015 Puebla (MEX), "Guilermo Haro 2015 - SMBH formation and evolution" workshop [R].
06/2015 Garching, MPE (GER), "Let’s group – galaxy group evolution" conference [C].
03/2015 Garching (GER), MPA HEA seminar [I].
02/2015 Trieste, INAF (ITA), "4th HydroSim" meeting [I].
01/2015 Garching (GER), MPE HEA seminar [I].
08/2014 Copenhagen (DEN), "3rd ICM Theory and Computation" workshop [I].
06/2014 Paris (FRA), "Clusters 2014" conference [C].
06/2014 Dublin (IRL), "The X-ray Universe" symposium [C].
04/2014 Munich (GER), LMU seminar [I].
12/2013 Garching (GER), MPA Institute Colloquium [R].
09/2013 Trieste, INAF (ITA), "3rd HydroSim" meeting [I].
03/2013 Snowbird (UT, USA), SnowCluster 2013: "The Physics of Galaxy Clusters" conference [C].
01/2013 Trieste, INAF (ITA), "2nd HydroSim" meeting [I].
10/2012 Garching (GER), MPA HEA seminar [I].
07/2012 Bologna, IRA (ITA), Radio Astronomy Colloquium [R].
06/2012 Bremen (Germany), Jacobs University Colloquium [R].
06/2012 Bologna (ITA), "1st HydroSim" meeting [I].
05/2012 ESAC (Madrid, ESP), "Galaxy Clusters as Giant Cosmic Laboratories" conference [C].
02/2012 Bologna (ITA), Department of Astronomy seminar [I].
01/2012 Leiden (NLD), Observatory Colloquium [R].
11/2012 Bologna (ITA), Department of Astronomy seminar [I].
02/2010 Bologna (ITA), Department of Astronomy seminar [I].
06/2009 Bologna (ITA), Department of Astronomy seminar [I].
05/2009 Madison (WI, USA), "The monster’s fiery breath" conference [P].
04/2009 Bologna (ITA), Department of Astronomy seminar [I].