As of May 2024
• Number of publications: 158
• Total citations: ~8000 (50% as main author)
• h-index = 51 and i10-index = 105 (source: Google Scholar)
• Number of articles with 100+ citations: 24 (12 as first author)
• Average citations per first-author article: ~130
• Number of main-author publications (first/second/third-author): 51
• Recent years productivity (2021-2024): 57 articles
The following publications are roughly listed in citation order (for the chronological order see here). Articles in preparation are not counted in.
First Author Papers
158. Chaotic Cold Accretion on to Black Holes
Gaspari M., Ruszkowski M., Oh S. P. (2013a), MNRAS, 432, 3401
157. Cause and Effect of Feedback: Multiphase Gas in Cluster Cores Heated by AGN Jet
Gaspari M., Ruszkowski M., Sharma P. (2012a), ApJ, 746, 94
156. The Dance of Heating and Cooling in Galaxy Clusters: 3D Simulations of Self-Regulated AGN Outflows
Gaspari M., Melioli C., Brighenti F., D’Ercole A. (2011a), MNRAS, 411, 349
155. Raining on Black Holes and Massive Galaxies: the Top-Down Multiphase Condensation Model
Gaspari M., Temi P., Brighenti F. (2017), MNRAS, 466, 677
154. Mechanical AGN Feedback: Controlling the Thermodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies
Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Temi P. (2012b), MNRAS, 424, 190
Gaspari M., McDonald M., Hamer S. L., Brighenti F., Temi P., Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Edge A. C., Werner N., Tozzi P., Sun M., Stone J. M., Tremblay G. R., Hogan M., Eckert D., Ettori S., Yu H., Biffi V., Planelles S. (2018), ApJ, 854, 167
152. AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups: the Delicate Touch of Self-Regulated Outflows
Gaspari M., Brighenti F., D’Ercole A., Melioli C. (2011b), MNRAS, 415, 1549
151. Unifying the Micro and Macro Properties of AGN Feeding and Feedback
Gaspari M., & Sadowski A. (2017), ApJ, 837, 149
150. Chaotic Cold Accretion on to Black Holes in Rotating Atmospheres
Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Temi P. (2015), A&A, 579, 62
149. Constraining Turbulence and Conduction in the Hot ICM through Density Perturbations
Gaspari M., & Churazov E. (2013), A&A, 559, 78
Gaspari M., Churazov E., Nagai D., Lau E. T., Zhuravleva I. (2014a), A&A, 569, 67
147. Linking Macro, Meso, and Micro Scales in Multiphase AGN Feeding and Feedback
Gaspari M., Tombesi F., Cappi, M. (2020), Nature Astronomy, 4, 10
146. The X-ray Halo Scaling Relations of Supermassive Black Holes
Gaspari M., Eckert, D., Ettori S., Tozzi P., Bassini L., Rasia E., Brighenti F., Sun M., Borgani S., Johnson S. D., Tremblay G., Stone J., Temi P., Yang H.-Y. K., Tombesi F., Cappi, M. (2019), ApJ, 884, 169
145. Can AGN Feedback Break the Self-Similarity of Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters?
Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Temi P., Ettori S. (2014b), ApJL, 783, 10
144. Solving the Cooling Flow Problem through Mechanical AGN Feedback
Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Ruszkowski M. (2013b), AN, 334, 394
143. Shaping the X-ray Spectrum of Galaxy Clusters with AGN Feedback and Turbulence
Gaspari M. (2015), MNRASL, 451, 60
142. The Self-Regulated AGN Feedback Loop: the Role of Chaotic Cold Accretion
Gaspari M. (2016), IAUS, 319, 17
141. 3D Numerical Simulations of AGN Outflows in Clusters and Groups
Gaspari M., Melioli C., Brighenti F., D’Ercole A. (2009), AIPC, 1201, 309
Second/Third Author Papers
140. Unifying X-ray Scaling Relations from Galaxies to Clusters
Anderson M. E., Gaspari M., White S. D. M., Wang W., Dai X. (2015), MNRAS, 449, 3806
139. Revisiting the Cooling Flow Problem in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters of Galaxies
McDonald M., Gaspari M., McNamara B., Tremblay G. (2018), ApJ, 858, 45
Khatri R., & Gaspari M. (2016), MNRAS, 463, 655
Lau E. T., Gaspari M., Nagai D., Coppi P. (2017), ApJ, 849, 54
Yang H.-Y., Gaspari M., Marlow C. (2019), ApJ, 871, 6
135. On the Connection between Turbulent Motions and Particle Acceleration in Galaxy Clusters
Eckert D., Gaspari M., Vazza F., Gastaldello F., Tramacere A., Zimmer S., Ettori S., Paltani S. (2017), ApJL, 843, 29
134. Kinetic and Radiative Power from Optically Thin Accretion Flows
Sadowski A., & Gaspari M. (2017), ApJ, 468, 1398
133. Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Group
Eckert D., Gaspari M., Gastaldello F., Le Brun A. M. C., O’Sullivan E. (2021), Universe, 7, 142
132. Measuring Turbulence and Gas Motions in Galaxy Clusters via Synthetic Athena X-IFU Observations
Roncarelli M., Gaspari M., Ettori S., Biffi V., Brighenti F., Bulbul B., Clerc N., Cucchetti E., Pointecouteau E., Rasia E. (2018), A&A, 618, 39
131. Deep Chandra Observations of the Stripped Galaxy Group Falling into Abell 2142
Eckert D., Gaspari M., Owers M. S., Roediger E., Molendi S., Gastaldello F., Paltani S., Ettori S., Venturi T., Rossetti M., Rudnick L.(2017), A&A, 605, 25
130. Scaling Properties of Galaxy Group
Lovisari L., Ettori S., Gaspari M., Giles P. A. (2021), Universe, 7, 139
129. Formation of a Malin 1 Analogue in IllustrisTNG by Stimulated Accretion
Zhu Q., Xu D., Gaspari M., Rodriguez-Gomez V., Nelson D., Vogelsberger M., Torrey P., Pillepich A., Zjupa J., Weinberger R., Marinacci F., Pakmor R., Genel S., Li Y., Springel V., Hernquist L. (2018), MNRASL, 480, 18
128. Dissecting the Turbulent Weather Driven by Mechanical AGN Feedback
Wittor D., Gaspari M. (2020), MNRAS, 498, 4983
127. Where Does the Gas Fueling Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies Originate?
Molendi S., Tozzi P., Gaspari M., De Grandi S., Gastaldello F., Ghizzardi S., Rossetti M. (2016), A&A, 595, 123
126. Cooling in the X-ray Halo of the Rotating, Massive Early-Type Galaxy NGC 7049
Juránová A., Werner N., Gaspari M., Lakhchaura K., Nulsen P. E. J., Sun M., Canning R. E. A., Allen S. W., Simionescu A., Oonk J. B. R., Connor T., Donahue M. (2019), MNRAS 484, 2886
125. Preferential Heating and Acceleration of Heavy Ions in Impulsive Solar Flares
Kumar R., Eichler D., Gaspari M., Spitkovsky A. (2017), ApJ, 835, 295
124. Multi-Scale Feedback and Feeding in the Closest Radio Galaxy Centaurus A
McKinley B., Tingay S. J., Gaspari M., Kraft R. P., Matherne C., Offringa A. R., McDonald M., Calzadilla M. S., Veilleux S., Shabala S. S., Gwyn S. D. J., Bland-Hawthorn J., Crnojevic D., Gaensler B. M., Johnston-Hollitt M. (2022), Nature Ast., 6, 109
123. AGN Feeding and Feedback in Fornax A: Kinematical Analysis of the Multi-phase ISM
Maccagni F. M., Serra P., Gaspari M., Kleiner D., Morokuma-Matsui K., Oosterloo T. A., Onodera M., Kamphuis P., Loi F., Thorat K., Ramatsoku M., Smirnov O., White S. V. (2021), A&A, 656, 45
122. Probing Multiphase Gas in Local Massive Elliptical Galaxies via Multiwavelength Observations
Temi P., Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Werner N., Grossova R., Gitti M., Sun M., Amblard A., Simionescu A. (2022), ApJ, 928, 150
121. The Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) survey: Complete Sample of Extreme BCG Clusters
Somboonpanyakul T., McDonald M., Gaspari M., Dahle H., Stadler B., Stark A. (2021), ApJ, 910, 60
120. Probing Macro-Scale Gas Motions and Turbulence in Diffuse Cosmic Plasmas
Bulbul E., Gaspari M., et al. (2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 210
119. The NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku View of Abell 3395 at the Intercluster Filament Interface
Tümer A., Wik D. R., Gaspari M., Akamatsu H., Westergaard N. J., Tombesi F., Nihal E. E. (2022), ApJ, 930, 83
118. Spectral Energy Distribution Mapping of Two Elliptical Galaxies on Sub-kpc Scales
Amblard A., Temi P., Gaspari M., Brighenti F. (2017), ApJ, 834, 20
117. Spatially Resolved Multiwavelength View of AGN Feeding & Feedback
Laha S., & Gaspari M., Lynx Collaboration (2017), white paper (sub. to Chandra Directors)
116. Absorption Lines in X-ray As Diagnostic of Density of Outflowing Plasma
Laha S., & Gaspari M., Lynx Collaboration (2017), white paper (sub. to Chandra Directors)
115. Unraveling Baroclinicity in Black Hole Weather Storms
Wittor D. & Gaspari M. (2023), MNRASL, 521, 79
114. Dynamical Complexity in Micro-Scale Disk-Wind System
Fiore F., Gaspari M., Luminari A., Tozzi P., De Arcangelis L. (2024), A&A, in press
Romero C. E., Gaspari M., Schellenberger G., Bhandarkar T., Devlin M., Dicker S. R., Forman W., Khatri R., Kraft R., Di Mascolo L., Mason B. S., Moravec E., et al. (2023), ApJ, 951, 41
112. Surface Brightness Fluctuations in Two SPT clusters: a Pilot Study
Romero C. E., Gaspari M., Schellenberger G., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Bulbul E., Klein M., Kraft R., Nulsen P., Reichardt C. L., Salvati L., Somboonpanyakul T., Su Y. (2024), ApJ, in press
Co-Authored Papers
Nandra K., Barret D., Barcons X., et al. (including Gaspari M.), Athena Collaboration (2013), white paper
110. Unification of X-ray Winds in Seyfert Galaxies: from Ultra-Fast Outflows to Warm Absorbers
Tombesi F., Cappi M., Reeves J. N., Nemmen R. S., Braito V., Gaspari M., Reynolds C. S. (2013), MNRAS, 430, 1102
109. On the Nature of Hydrostatic Equilibrium in Galaxy Clusters
Biffi V., Borgani S., Murante G., Rasia E., Planelles S., Granato G. L., Ragone-Figueroa C., Beck A. M., Gaspari M., Dolag K. (2016), ApJ, 827, 112
108. The Remarkable Similarity of Massive Galaxy Clusters from z~0 to z~1.9
McDonald M., Allen S. W., Bayliss M., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Brodwin M., Bulbul E., Carlstrom J. E., Forman W. R., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Garmire G. P., Gaspari M., Gladders M. D., Mantz A. B., Murray S. S. (2017), ApJ, 843, 28
Ghirardini V., Eckert D., Ettori S., Pointecouteau E., Molendi S., Gaspari M., Rossetti M., De Grandi S., Roncarelli M., Bourdin H., Mazzotta P., Rasia E., Vazza F. (2019), A&A, 621, 41
106. Non-Thermal Pressure Support in X-COP Galaxy Clusters
Eckert D., Ghirardini V., Ettori S., Rasia E., Biffi V., Pointecouteau E., Rossetti M., Molendi S., Vazza F., Gastaldello F., Gaspari M., De Grandi S., Ghizzardi S., Bourdin H., Tchernin C., Roncarelli M. (2019), A&A, 621, 40
105. Hydrostatic Mass Profiles in X-COP Galaxy Clusters
Ettori S., Ghirardini V., Eckert D., Pointecouteau E., Gastaldello F., Sereno M., Gaspari M., Ghizzardi S., Roncarelli M., Rossetti M. (2019), A&A, 621, 39
104. A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole
Tremblay G. R., Combed F., Oonk J. B. R., Russell H. R., McDonald M., Gaspari M., Husemann B., et al. (2018), ApJ, 865, 13
Truong N., Rasia E., Mazzotta P., Planelles S., Biffi V., Fabjan D., Beck A. M., Borgani S., Dolag K., Gaspari M., Granato G. L., Murante G., Ragone-Figueroa C., Steinborn L. K. (2018), MNRAS, 474, 4089
102. The Stripping of a Galaxy Group Diving into the Massive Cluster A2142
Eckert D., Molendi S., Owers M., Gaspari M., Venturi T., Rudnick L., Ettori S., Paltani S., Gastaldello F., Rossetti M. (2014), A&A, 570, 119
101. Pressure of the Hot Gas in Simulations of Galaxy Clusters
Planelles S., Fabjan D., Borgani S., Murante G., Rasia E., Biffi V., Truong N., Ragone-Figueroa C., Granato G. L., Dolag K., Pierpaoli E., Beck A. M., Steinborn L., Gaspari M. (2017), MNRAS, 467, 3827
100. CARS: a Massive Multiphase Outflow Impacting the Edge-On Galaxy HE 1353-1917
Husemann B., Scharwächter J., Davis T. A., Pérez-Torres M., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Tremblay G. R., Krumpe M., Combes F., Baum S. A., Busch G., Connor T., Croom S. M., Gaspari M., O’Dea C. P., Powell M., Singha M., Urrutia T. (2019), A&A 627, 53
99. Thermodynamic Properties, Multiphase Gas and AGN Feedback in a Large Sample of Giant Ellipticals
Lakhchaura K., Werner N., Sun M., Canning R., Gaspari M., Allen S. W., Connor T., Donahue M., Sarazin C. (2018), MNRAS, 481, 4472
98. The History of Chemical Enrichment in the Intracluster Medium from Cosmological Simulations
Biffi V., Planelles S., Borgani S., Fabjan D., Rasia E., Murante G., Tornatore L., Dolag, K., Granato G. L., Gaspari M., Beck A. M. (2017), MNRAS, 468, 531
Zhuravleva I., Churazov E., Schekochihin A. A., Lau E. T., Nagai D., Gaspari M., Allen S. W., Nelson K., Parrish I. J. (2014), ApJL, 788, 13
96. ALMA Observations of Molecular Clouds in Three Group Centered ETGs: NGC 5846, NGC 4636, and NGC 5044
Temi P., Amblard A., Gitti M., Brighenti F., Gaspari M., Mathews W. G., David L. (2018), ApJ, 858, 17
95. GAMER-2: a GPU-Accelerated Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code – Accuracy, Performance, and Scalability
Schive H.-Y., ZuHone J., Goldbaum N., Turk M., Gaspari M., Cheng C.-Y. (2018), MNRAS, 481, 4815
94. The Origin of ICM Enrichment in the Outskirts of Present-Day Galaxy Clusters from Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations
Biffi V., Planelles S., Borgani S., Rasia E., Murante G., Fabjan D., Gaspari M. (2018), MNRAS, 476, 2689
93. Constraining Gas Motions in the Intra-Cluster Medium
Simionescu A., ZuHone J., Zhuravleva I., Churazov E., Gaspari M., Nagai D., Werner W., Roediger E., Canning R., Eckert D., Gu L., Paerels F., (2019), Space Science Reviews, 215, 24
Barai P., Viel M., Murante G., Gaspari M., Borgani S. (2014), MNRAS, 437, 1456
Rose T., Edge A. C., Combes F., Gaspari M., Hamer S., Nesvadba N., Peck A. B., Sarazin C., Tremblay G. R., Baum S. A., Bremer M. N., McNamara B. R., O’Dea C., Oonk J. B. R., Russell H., Salomé P., Donahue M., Fabian A. C., Ferland G., Mittal R., Vantyghem A. (2019), MNRAS, 489, 349
90. Kinetic AGN Feedback Effects on Cluster Cool Cores Simulated using SPH
Barai P., Murante G., Borgani S., Gaspari M., Granato G. L., Monaco P., Ragone-Figueroa C. (2016), MNRAS, 461, 1548
89. Thermodynamic Perturbations in the X-ray Halo of 33 Clusters of Galaxies Observed with Chandra ACIS
Hofmann F., Sanders J. S., Nandra K., Clerc N., Gaspari M. (2016), A&A, 585, 130
88. Anatomy of a Cooling Flow: The Feedback Response to Pure Cooling in the Core of the Phoenix Cluster
McDonald M., McNamara B. R., Voit G. M., Bayliss M., Benson B. A., Brodwin M., Canning R. E. A., Florian M. K., Garmire G. P., Gaspari M., Gladders M. D., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Kara E., Reichardt C. L., Russell H. R., Saro A., Sharon K., Somboonpanyakul T., Tremblay G. R., van Weeren R. J. (2019), ApJ, 885, 63
87. A Textbook Example of Ram-Pressure Stripping in the Hydra A/A780 Cluster
De Grandi S., Eckert D., Molendi S., Girardi M., Roediger E., Gaspari M., Gastaldello F., Ghizzardi S., Nonino M., Rossetti M. (2016), A&A, 592, 154
86. Jet-driven Galaxy-scale Gas Outflows in the Hyperluminous Quasar 3C 273
Husemann B., Bennert V. N., Jahnke K., Woo J.-H., Scharwächter J., Schulze A., Gaspari M. (2018), ApJ, 879, 75
85. Multiphase quasar-driven outflows in PG 1114+445
Serafinelli R., Tombesi F., Vagnetti F., Piconcelli E., Gaspari M., Saturni F. G. (2019), A&A, 627, 121
Cucchetti E., Pointecouteau E., Peille P., Clerc N., Rasia E., Biffi V., Borgani S., Tornatore L., Dolag K., Roncarelli M., Gaspari M., Ettori S., Bulbul E., Dauser T., Wilms J., Pajot F., Barret D. (2018), A&A, 620, 173
83. Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
Astrophysics WG (including Gaspari M.), LISA Collaboration (2023), Living Reviews in Relativity, 26, 1
Rose T., Edge A. C., Combes F., Gaspari M., Hamer S., Nesvadba N., Russell H., Tremblay G. R., Baum S. A., O’Dea C., Peck A. B., Vantyghem A., Bremer M., Donahue M., Fabian A. C., Ferland G., McNamara B. R., Mittal R., Oonk J. B. R., Salomè P., Swinbank M., Voit M. (2019), MNRAS, 485, 229
81. 7.1 keV Sterile Neutrino Constraints from X-ray Observations of 33 Clusters of Galaxies with Chandra ACIS
Hofmann F., Sanders J. S., Nandra K., Clerc N., Gaspari M. (2016), A&A, 592, 112
Romero C. E., Sievers J., Ghirardini V., Dicker S., Giacintucci S., Mroczkowski T., Mason B, S., Sarazin C., Devlin M., Gaspari M., Battaglia N., Hilton M., Bulbul E., Lowe I., Stanchfield S. (2020), ApJ, 891, 1
Arnaud M., Ettori S., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2021), A&A, 650, 104
78. AGN Feedback in Galaxy Group 3C 88: Cavities, Shock and Jet Reorientation
Liu W., Sun M., Nulsen P., Clarke T., Sarazin C., Forman W., Gaspari M., Giacintucci S., Lal D. V., Edge T. (2019), MNRAS, 484, 3376
77. Black Hole Mass and Cluster Mass Correlation in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations
Bassini L., Rasia E., Borgani S., Ragone-Figueroa C., Biffi V., Dolag K., Gaspari M., Granato G. L., Murante G., Taffoni G., Tornatore L. (2019), A&A, 630, 144
Neumann J., Gadotti D. A., Wisotzki L., Husemann B., Busch G., Combes F., Croom S. M., Davis T. A., Gaspari M., Krumpe M., Pèrez-Torres M. A., Scharwächter J., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Tremblay G. R., Urrutia T. (2019), A&A, 627, 26
75. NuSTAR Measurement of Coronal Temperature in Two Luminous, High-redshift Quasars
Lanzuisi G., Gilli R., Cappi M., Dadina M., Bianchi S., Brusa M., Chartas G., Civano F., Comastri A., Marinucci A., Middei R., Piconcelli E., Vignali C., Brandt W. N., Tombesi F., Gaspari M. (2019), ApJL, 875, 20
74. The Hot and Energetic Universe: The Astrophysics of Galaxy Groups and Clusters
Ettori S., Pratt G., de Plaa J., et al. (including Gaspari M.), Athena Collaboration (2013), white paper
73. A Joint XMM and NuSTAR Observation of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 523
Cova F., Gastaldello F., Wik D. R., Boschin W., Botteon A., Brunetti G., Buote D. A., De Grandi S., Eckert D., Ettori S., Feretti L., Gaspari M., Ghizzardi S., Giovannini G., Girardi M., Govoni F., Molendi S., Murgia M., Rossetti M. (2019), A&A 628, 83
72. X-ray Properties of AGN in BCGs I: X-ray Luminosity Distribution
Yang L., Tozzi P., Yu H., Lusso E., Gaspari M., Gilli R., Nardini R., Risaliti G. (2018), ApJ, 859, 65
71. Multiphase Powerful Outflows Detected in High-z Quasar
Chartas G., Cappi M., Vignali C., Dadina M., James V., Lanzuisi G., Giustini M., Gaspari M., Strickland S., Bertola E. (2021), ApJ, 920, 24
70. Iron in X-COP: Tracing Enrichment in Cluster Outskirts with High Accuracy Abundance Profiles
Ghizzardi S., Molendi S., van der Burg R., De Grandi S., Bartalucci I., Gastaldello F., Rossetti M., Biffi V., Borgani S., Eckert D., Ettori S., Gaspari M., Ghirardini V., Rasia E. (2021), A&A, 646, 92
69. The Metal Content of the Hot Atmospheres of Galaxy Group
Gastaldello F., Simionescu A., Mernier F., Biffi V., Gaspari M., Sato K., Matsushita K. (2021), Universe, 7, 208
68. CARS: Discovery of a Global [CII] 158 Micron Line Excess in AGN HE 1353-1917
Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Husemann B., Busch G., Appleton P., Bethermin M., Combes F., Croom S., Davis T. A., Fischer C., Gaspari M., Groves B., Klein R., O’Dea C. P., Pérez-Torres M., Scharwächter J., Singha M., Tremblay G. R., Urrutia T. (2019), A&AL, 626, 3
67. Digging for Red Nuggets: Discovery of a Hot Halo Surrounding a Massive, Compact Relic Galaxy
Werner N., Lakhchaura, K., Canning R. E. A., Gaspari M., Simionescu A. (2018), MNRASL, 477, 3886
66. Cold Fronts and Metal Anisotropies in the X-ray Cool Core of the Galaxy Cluster Zw 1742+3306
Ettori S., Gastaldello F., Gitti M., O’Sullivan E., Gaspari M., Brighenti F., David L., Edge A. C. (2013), A&A, 555, 93
65. An Hα/X-ray Orphan Cloud as a Signpost of the Intracluster Medium Clumping
Ge C., Luo R., Sun M., Yagi M., Jáchym P., Boselli A., Fossati M., Nulsen P. E. J., Sarazin C., Edge T., Gavazzi G., Gaspari M., Koda J., Komiyama Y., Yoshida M. (2021), MNRAS, 505, 4702
64. WISDOM project - VIII. Multiscale Feedback Cycles in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy NGC 0708
North E. V., Davis T. A., Bureau M., Gaspari M., Cappellari M., Iguchi S., Liu L., Onishi K., Sarzi M., Smith M. D., Williams T. G. (2021), MNRAS, 503, 5179
63. Observational Evidence for Enhanced Black Hole Accretion in Giant Elliptical Galaxies
McDonald M., McNamara B. R., Calzadilla M. S., Chen C.-T., Gaspari M., Hickox R. C., Kara E., Korchagin I. (2021), ApJ, 908, 85
62. A High-resolution SZ View of the Warm-Hot Universe
Mroczkowski T., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 124
61. Hot Gaseous Atmospheres of Rotating Galaxies Observed with XMM-Newton
Juránová A., Werner N., Nulsen P. E. J., Gaspari M., Lakhchaura K., Canning R. E. A., Donahue M., Hroch F., Voit G. M. (2020), MNRAS, 499, 5163
60. CARS: No Obvious Signature of AGN Feedback on Star Formation, but Subtle Trends
Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Husemann B., Davis T. A., Smith C., Singha M., Tremblay G. R., Klessen R.S., Powell M., Connor T., Baum S.A., Combes F., Croom S.M., Gaspari M., Neumann J., O’Dea C. P., Pérez-Torres M., Rosario D. J., Rose T., Scharwächter J., N. Winkel (2022), A&A, 659, 125
59. Constraining the Origin and Models of Chemical Enrichment in Galaxy Clusters using the Athena X-IFU
Mernier F., Cucchetti E., Tornatore L., Biffi V., Pointecouteau E., Clerc N., Peille P., Rasia E., Barret D., Borgani S., Bulbul E., Dauser T., Dolag K., Ettori S., Gaspari M., Pajot F., Roncarelli M., Wilms J. (2020), A&A, 642, 90
58. A Molecular Absorption Line Survey Toward the AGN of Hydra-A
Rose T., Edge A. C., Combes F., Hamer S., McNamara B., Russell H., Gaspari M., Sarazin C., Salomé P., Tremblay G.R., Baum S.A., Bremer M.N., Donahue M., Fabian A. C., Ferland G., Nesvadba N., O’Dea C., Peck A. B. (2020), MNRAS, 496, 364
57. Exploring the Multiphase Medium in MKW 08: from the Central Active Galaxy up to Cluster Scales
Tümer A., Tombesi F., Bourdin H., Ercan E. N., Gaspari M., Serafinelli R. (2019), A&A, 629, 82
56. Gas Condensation in the Brightest Group Galaxies Unveiled with MUSE
Olivares V., Salome P., Hamer S. L., Combes F., Gaspari M., Kolokythas K., O’Sullivan E., Beckmann R. S., Babul A., Polles F. L., Lehnert M., Loubser S. I., Donahue M., Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Lagos P., Pineau des Forets G., Godard B., Rose T., Tremblay G., Ferland G., Guillard P. (2022), A&A, 666, 94
55. CARS: IFU Survey Data and the BH Mass Dependence of Long-Term AGN Variability
Husemann B., Singha M., Scharwächter J., McElroy R., Neumann J., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Urrutia T., Baum S. A., Bennert V. N., Combes F., Croom S. M., Davis T. A., Fournier Y., Galkin A., Gaspari M., Henke H., Krumpe M., O’Dea C. P., Pérez-Torres M., Rose T., Tremblay G. R., Walcher C. J. (2022), A&A, 659, 124
54. CARS: Locating the [O III] Wing Component in Luminous Local Type 1 AGN
Singha M., Husemann B., Urrutia T., O’Dea C. P., Scharwächter J., Gaspari M., Combes F., Nevin R., Terrazas B. A., Pérez-Torres M., Rose T., Davis T. A., Tremblay G. R., Neumann J., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Baum S. A. (2022), A&A, 659, 123
53. Radio Galaxies in Galaxy Groups: Kinematics, Scaling Relations and AGN Feedback
Pasini T., Finoguenov A., Brüggen M., Gaspari M., de Gasperin F., Gozaliasl, G. (2021), MNRAS, 505, 2628
Somboonpanyakul T., McDonald M., Bayliss M., Voit G. M., Donahue M., Gaspari M., Dahle H., Rivera-Thorsen E., Stark A. (2021), ApJL, 907, 12
51. Supermassive Black Hole Feedback
Ruszkowski M., Nagai D., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 326
50. The Hot and Energetic Universe: AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups
Croston J. H., Sanders J. S., Heinz S., et al. (including Gaspari M.), Athena Collaboration (2013), white paper
49. The Deepest Chandra View of RBS 797: Evidence for Two Pairs of Equidistant X-ray Cavities
Ubertosi F., Gitti M., Brighenti F., Brunetti G., McDonald M., Nulsen P., McNamara B., Randall S., Forman W., Donahue M., Ignesti A., Gaspari M., Ettori S., Feretti L., Blanton E., Jones C., Calzadilla M. S. (2021), ApJL, 923, 25
48. The Cluster Heritage Project with XMM-Newton: Morphological analysis of the sample
Campitiello G. M., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2022), A&A, 665, 117
47. Growth and Disruption in the Lyra Complex
Clavico S., De Grandi S., Ghizzardi S., Rossetti M., Molendi S., Gastaldello F., Girardi M., Boschin W., Botteon A., Cassano R., Bruggen M., Brunetti G., Dallacasa D., Eckert D., Ettori S., Gaspari M., Sereno M., Shimwell T., van Weeren R. J. (2019), A&A, 632, 27
46. Testing the Large-scale Environments of Cool-Core and Non-Cool-Core Clusters with Clustering Bias
Medezinski E., Battaglia N., Coupon J., Cen R., Gaspari M., Strauss M. A., Spergel D. N. (2017), ApJ, 836, 54
45. Circumgalactic Gas and the Precipitation Limit
Voit G. M., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 405
Truong N., Rasia E., Biffi V., Mernier F., Werner N., Gaspari M., Borgani S., Planelles S., Fabjan D., Murante G. (2019), MNRAS, 484, 2896
Calzadilla M. S., McDonald M., Donahue M., McNamara B. R., Fogarty K., Gaspari M., Gitti M., Russell H. R., Tremblay G. R., Voit G. M., Ubertosi F. (2022), ApJ, 940, 140
Baldi A. S., Bourdin H., Mazzotta P., Eckert D., Ettori S., Gaspari M., Roncarelli M. (2019), A&A, 630, 121
41. Unveiling the Galaxy Cluster - Cosmic Web Connection with X-ray observations in the Next Decade
Walker S., Daisuke N., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 218
40. X-ray Obscuration from a Variable Ionized Absorber in PG 1114+445
Serafinelli R., Braito V., Severgnini P., Tombesi F., Giani G., Piconcelli E., Della Ceca R., Vagnetti F., Gaspari M., Saturni F. G., Middei R., Tortosa, A. (2021), A&A, 654, 32
Orlowski-Scherer J., Haridas S. K., Di Mascolo L., Perez S. K., Romero C. E., Dicker S., Mroczkowski T., Bhandarkar T., Churazov E., Clarke T. E., Devlin M., Gaspari M., Lowe I., Mason B., Sarazin C. L., Sievers J., Sunyaev R. (2022), A&AL, 667, 6
38. CARS: A Parsec-Scale Multiphase Outflow in the Super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044
Winkel N., Husemann B., Singha M., Bennert V. N., Combes F., Davis T. A., Gaspari M., Jahnke K., McElroy R., O’Dea C. P., Pérez-Torres M. A., (2023), A&A, 26, 670
37. Multiple Shock Fronts in RBS 797: The Chandra Window on Shock Heating in Galaxy Clusters
Ubertosi F., Gitti M., Brighenti F., McDonald M., Nulsen P., Donahue M., Brunetti G., Randall S., Gaspari M., Ettori S., Calzadilla M., Ignesti A., Feretti L., Blanton E. L. (2023), ApJ, 944, 216
36. Does Absorption against AGN Reveal Supermassive Black Hole Accretion?
Rose T., McNamara B. R., Combes F., Edge A. C., Fabian A. C., Gaspari M., Russell H., Salomé P., Tremblay G., Ferland, G. (2023), MNRAS, 518, 878
35. SUBWAYS: Ultrafast Outflows in Quasars beyond the Local Universe
Matzeu G. A., SUBWAYS Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2023), A&A, 670, 182
Johnson S. D., Schaye J., Walth G. L., Li J. I.-H., Rudie G. C., Chen H.-W., Chen M. C., Epinat B., Gaspari M., Cantalupo S., Kollatschny W., Liu Z., Muzahid S. (2022), ApJL, 940, 40
33. The Evolving Cluster Cores: Putting together the Pieces of the Puzzle
Molendi S., De Grandi S., Rossetti M., Bartalucci I., Gastaldello F., Ghizzardi S., Gaspari M. (2023), A&A, 670, 104
32. A Joint NuSTAR-XMM Monitoring of the Changing-look Compton-thick AGN NGC 1358
Marchesi S., Zhao X., Torres-Albà N., Ajello M., Gaspari M., Pizzetti A., et al. (2022), ApJ, 935, 114
31. Galaxy Winds in the Age of Hyperdimensional Astrophysics
Tremblay G. R., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 480
30. The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science
Mantz, A., Allen S., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 279
29. CARS: SOFIA detects spatially-resolved [CII] emission in the luminous AGN HE 0433-1028
Busch G., Husemann B., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Eckart A., Baum S. A., Combes F., Croom S. M., Davis T. A., Fazeli N., Fischer C., Gaspari M., Klein R., Krumpe M., et al. (2018), ApJL, 866, 9
28. High Dynamic-Range Observations of a Mass-Selected Sample of Galaxy Clusters
Tozzi P., Bonafede A., Cassano R., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2018), white paper (sub. to NRAO/JVLA Directors)
27. The Effect of AGN Feedback on Sunyaev-Zeldovich Properties of Simulated Galaxy Clusters
Fabjan D., Planelles S., Borgani S., Murante G., Rasia E., Biffi V., Truong N., Ragone- Figueroa C., Granato G. L., Dolag K., Pierpaoli E., Beck A. M., Steinborn L., Gaspari M. (2017), IAUS, 324, 237
26. On the Assembly Bias of Cool Core Clusters Traced by Halpha Nebulae
Medezinski E., McDonald M., More S., Miyatake H., Battaglia N., Gaspari M., Spergel D. N., Cen R. (2019), ApJ, 882, 166
25. Do Supermassive Black Hole Winds Impact Galaxy Evolution?
Tombesi F., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 103
24. The Physics and Astrophysics of X-ray Outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei
Laha S., et al. (including Gaspari M.; 2019), Astro2020 white paper, BAAS, 51, 75
23. CARS: Tracing the Circumnuclear Star Formation in the Super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044
Winkel N., Husemann B., Davis T. A., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Bennert V. N., Combes F., Gaspari M., Jahnke K., Neumann J., O’Dea C. P., Pérez-Torres M., Singha M., Tremblay G. R., Rix H. W. (2022), A&A, 663, 104
22. Particle Re-acceleration and Diffuse Radio Sources in the Galaxy Cluster Abell 1550
Pasini T., Edler H. W., Brüggen M., de Gasperin F., Botteon A., Rajpurohit K., van Weeren R. J., Gastaldello F., Gaspari M., Brunetti G., Cuciti V., Nanci C., di Gennaro G., Rossetti M., Hoang D., Dallacasa D. N., Riseley C. J. (2022), A&A, 663, 105
21. Physical Cool-Core Condensation Radius in Massive Galaxy Clusters
Wang L., Tozzi P., Yu H., Gaspari M., Ettori S. (2023), A&A, 674, 102
Bartalucci I., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2023), A&A, 674, 179
19. The Fraction and Kinematics of Broad Absorption Line Quasars across Cosmic Time
Bischetti M., Fiore F., Feruglio C., D’Odorico V., Arav N., Costa T., Zubovas K., Becker G., Bosman S. E. I., Cupani G., Davies R., Eilers A.-C., Farina E. P., Ferrara A., Gaspari M., Mazzucchelli C., Onoue M., Piconcelli E., Zanchettin M.-V., Zhu Y. (2023), ApJ, 952, 44
18. SUBWAYS: HST UV spectroscopy of winds at intermediate redshifts
Mehdipour M., SUBWAYS Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2023), A&A, 670, 183
17. The NuSTAR and Chandra view of CL 0217+70 and Its Tell-Tale Radio Halo
Tümer A., Wik D. R., Zhang X., Hoang D. N., Gaspari M., Weeren R. J., Rudnick L., Stuardi C., Mernier F., Simionescu A., Rojas B., Randall A., Kraft R., Akamatsu H., de Plaa J. (2023), ApJ, 942, 79
16. The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Data Release 1 and Beyond
McElroy R., Singha M., Husemann B., Davis T. A., Combes F., Scharwächter J., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., Pérez Torres M., Gaspari M., Winkel N., Bennert V. N., Krumpe M., Urrutia T., Neumann J. (2022), Messenger, 187, 3
Iqbal A., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2023), A&A, 679, 51
Olivares V., Su Y., Forman W., Gaspari M., Andrade-Santos F., Salomé P., Nulsen P., Edge A., Combes F., Jones C. (2023), A&A, 954, 56
13. Compton-Thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era X: Analysing Seven Local CT-AGN Candidates
Sengupta D., Marchesi S., Vignali C., Torres-Albà N., Bertola E., Pizzetti A., Lanzuisi G., Salvestrini F., Zhao X., Gaspari M., Gilli R., Comastri A., Traina A., Tombesi F., Silver R., Pozzi F., Ajello M. (2023), A&A, 676, 103
12. Still Alive and Kicking: A Significant Outburst in Changing-Look AGN Mrk 1018
Brogan R., Krumpe M., Homan D., Urrutia T., Granzer T., Husemann B., Neumann J., Gaspari M., Vaughan S. P., Croom S. M., Combes F., Pérez-Torres M., Coil A., McElroy R, Winkel N., Singha M. (2023), A&A, 677, 116
11. CARS: An Interplay between Radio Jets and AGN Radiation in the Radio-quiet AGN HE0040-1105
Singha M., Winkel N., Vaddi S., Perez Torres M., Gaspari M., Smirnova-Pinchukova I., O’Dea C. P., Combes F., Omoruyi O., Rose T., McElroy R., Husemann B., Davis T. A., Baum S. A., Lawlor-Forsyth C., Neumann J., Tremblay G. R. (2023), ApJ, 959, 107
10. SUBWAYS: HST UV Spectroscopy of Winds at Intermediate Redshift
Gianolli V. E., SUBWAYS Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2024), A&A, in press
9. CHEX-MATE: Turbulence in the ICM from X-ray Surface Brightness Fluctuations
Dupourqué S., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2024), A&A, in press
8. CHEX-MATE: CLUMP-3D, I. Gas Analysis Method using X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Data
Kim, J., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2024), A&A, in press
Rosignoli L., Ubertosi F., Gitti M., Brighenti F., Pasini T., O’Sullivan E., Gastaldello F., Gaspari M., Temi P. (2024), ApJ, 963, 8
6. CHEX-MATE: Robust Reconstruction of Temperature Profiles in Galaxy Clusters with XMM-Newton
Rossetti M., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2024), A&A, in press
5. Feeding and Feedback Processes in the Spiderweb Proto-Intracluster Medium
Lepore M., Di Mascolo L., Tozzi P., Churazov E., Mroczkowski T., Borgani S., Carilli C., Gaspari M., Ginolfi M., Liu A., Pentericci L., Rasia E., Rosati P., Röttgering H. J. A., Anderson C. S., Dannerbauer H., Miley G., Norman, C. (2024), A&A, 682, 186
4. CHEX-MATE: Characterization of the Intracluster Medium Temperature Distribution
Lovisari L., CHEX-MATE Collaboration (including Gaspari M.) (2024), A&A, 682, 45
3. Solving the Cooling Flow Problem through Mechanical AGN Feedback
Gaspari M. (2012), Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bologna, Department of Astronomy
2. Cooling vs. Heating in Galaxy Clusters and Groups: 3D Hydrodynamical Simulations of AGN Outflows
Gaspari M. (2008), M.S. Thesis, University of Bologna, Department of Astronomy
1. The Cooling Flow Problem in Galaxy Clusters
Gaspari M. (2006), B.S. Thesis, University of Bologna, Department of Astronomy