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Massimo (Max) Gaspari


I am an Astrophysicist and Full Professor who has been working for two decades mainly in the theoretical/computational field focusing on the formation and evolution of galaxies and groups/clusters of galaxies, and their co-evolution with supermassive black holes. I enjoy studying the astrophysics of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feeding/feedback, diffuse plasmas, and multiphase gas. I often develop and carry out 3D high-resolution MHD simulations with massively parallel supercomputers (>10k cpus/gpus), and use first-principle simulations as controlled astrophysical experiments to understand a large range of multiwavelength observations (X-ray, optical/IR, radio). At the same time, I work closely with observational researchers and large collaborations to probe and constrain the diverse range of developed quantitative physical models of galaxies and black holes.

Research Activity

  α  Theoretical & Numerical Astrophysics: formation and evolution of galaxies, groups, clusters.

  β  Astrophysics of (supermassive) black holes and accreting objects.

  γ  Multiphase gas astrophysics: instabilities, warm filaments, molecular clouds, dust, metals.

  δ  AGN feedback (jets, outflows, radiation) versus cooling flows and star formation.

  ε  Astrophysical plasmas (ICM, IGrM, CGM/ISM): MHD, turbulence, conduction, shocks.

  ζ  Quantitative comparison with multiwavelength observations (X-ray, optical/IR, radio).

Research Methods

  η  High-resolution 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulations.

  θ  Independent developer of several physical and numerical modules (e.g., for FLASH).

  κ  Adaptive mesh refinement and cloud-in-cell particles (dark matter, stars, BHs).

  λ  Massive parallelization and optimization for HPC supercomputers (e.g., NASA Pleiades).

Research Portfolio

 • 158 publications: 8000+ citations; h-index 51

 • $7 million funding + 133 million CPU-hrs ($2.8 million) allocated

 • 63 invited talks and colloquia (100+ presentations)

 • 110 accepted observing programs (~350 proposals)


©2018-24 by Massimo Gaspari

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